Enrollment and Re-Recruitment: Why do students come to your school? More importantly, why do they stay? Do you know? Are you sure? If not, you are quite possibly jeopardizing your ability to deliver on your mission. Building on the data of the preceding session, we will explore management and teacher strategies that will make a difference in a family’s decision for classical Christian education.
Brad Layland

Brad Layland is the CEO of The FOCUS Group. He lives in St. Augustine, Florida, where he serves on the board of trustees for Veritas Classical School. In addition, he serves on the boards of Young Life St. Augustine, Christian Surfers US, the Reid Saunders Association and Young Life of Greater New York. Brad is an elder at Good News Church. He received his bachelor’s degree in communications from the University of Florida and his master’s degee in theology from Fuller Seminary. For over 35 years, The FOCUS Group has helped nonpro ts raise money more effectively through capital campaign counsel, major donor strategies, planned and estate gifts and training. It currently serves seven classical Christian schools across the United States.