What does it mean ‘to look’ and ‘to see’?What is the role of the visual arts in the classical Christian school? Is there a theology of sight and of looking? Is there a ‘visual/socratic interface’? Is ‘classical art’ the only kind of art we should spend time thinking about? How does our visual cultural production/consumption demonstrate human nature? And how can we avoid graduating ‘blind’ seniors, who have never really learned to ‘see biblically’?
Grant Horner

Professor Grant Horner’s academic specialty is the literature, theology and philosophy of the Renaissance and Reformation, with primary concentration in Milton, Shakespeare, Erasmus, Luther, Calvin and late sixteenth and seventeenth century intellectual and cultural history. His research and writing has focused on Christian Humanism in the Reformation, particularly the complex relationship between developing Reformed thought and Classical Graeco-Roman pagan mythology and philosophy. At Duke University he was taught and mentored by Stanley Fish, America’s leading literary theorist. He has worked on the citation of classical Greek and Latin authorities by Renaissance writers, published on theology and the arts, and is actively researching and writing a full-length work on John Milton and John Calvin. His book Meaning at the Movies on lm and theology (Crossway, 2010) was an Amazon bestseller and nominated for Book of the Year in Christianity and Culture by the Book Retailers Association.