Long division is often an area of mathematics where students (and teachers) struggle to make sense. Come explore how different models of division help to make long division make sense. We will also discuss how to use manipulatives and context to support students making sense of division.
Janet Andreasen
Janet B. Andreasen, PhD, is an Associate Lecturer of Mathematics Education at the University of Central Florida (UCF). She is the coordinator of secondary education and works with prospective and practicing mathematics teachers at the elementary, middle, and high school levels. Dr. Andreasen’s research interests include examining mathematical knowledge for teaching and using technology to foster student learning of mathematical concepts. Prior to joining the faculty at UCF, Dr. Andreasen was a high school mathematics teacher. Her children a end The Geneva School in Winter Park, FL. Dr. Andreasen has published books, book chapters, and articles in state and national publications as well as professional presentations throughout the United States. She is a member of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, and the Florida Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Dr. Andreasen received a bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Miami and both a master’s degree in Mathematics Education and a PhD in Education, Mathematics Education from the University of Central Florida. Her dissertation focused on the ways that prospective elementary school teachers come to understand whole number concepts and operations in meaningful ways for teaching through the use of classroom norms and explanations and justi cations in a mathematics course for teachers.