What is classical Christian education? How is it different from other types of Christian education? What does it mean to say that this style of education is “classical”? In this seminar we will address these questions by examining a number of theoretical assumptions that undergird and unite various forms of classical Christian education. These foundational beliefs provide a framework for understanding the philosophy of education that guides all classical Christian schools but also allows for a wide diversity of curricula and pedagogical methodology. This examination of the theoretical foundations of classical Christian education will be useful both for those who are new to the movement and for those who already are very familiar with it but are interested in examining in more detail the foundational beliefs on which it is based.
David Diener
Dr. David Diener began his post-secondary education at Wheaton College, where he graduated summa cum laude with a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and ancient languages. After putting his philosophical training to work by building custom cabinets and doing high-end finish carpentry for an Amish company, he moved with his wife to Bogotá, Colombia, where they served as missionaries for three years at a Christian international school. He then attended Indiana University, where he earned a master’s degree in philosophy, another master’s degree in history and philosophy of education, and a dual doctorate in philosophy and philosophy of education. He has taught at The Stony Brook School on Long Island, served as Head of Upper Schools at Covenant Classical School in Fort Worth, Texas, and currently is the Head of School at Grace Academy in Georgetown, Texas. He also teaches philosophy courses at Taylor University, is an Alcuin Fellow and offers consulting services through Classical Academic Press. He is the author of Plato: The Great Philosopher-Educator and serves as the series editor for Classical Academic Press’ Giants in the History of Education. The Dieners have four wonderful children and are passionate about classical Christian education and the impact it can have on the church, our society and the world.