From the continent of Africa came the greatest ancient Church father and an influential classical educator—St. Augustine. Dr. Grant Horner explores how the education Augustine described and practiced is now what we call “classical Christian education.”
Grant Horner

Dr. Grant Horner is a full-time Associate Professor of Renaissance and Reformation Studies at The Master’s University in Santa Clarita, California, where he was named “Professor of the Year” in 2001 and 2007. Dr. Horner received his PhD from Claremont University. He specializes in literary and cultural studies, philosophy, theology, art history, and film studies. He teaches Medieval and Renaissance literature and courses on Milton, Shakespeare, Poetry and Poetics, The Epic, Dramatic Literature, Critical Theory (Pre-Socratics through Derrida), Art History, Film Studies, Classical Christian Humanism, Classical Latin, and Comedy. He is the founder and director of The Master’s University in Italy Program, an intensive study abroad experience for the university’s students. Dr. Horner also crafted the Humanities program at Trinity Classical Academy and continues to mentor teachers at the school. He has discussed theological trends, philosophy, and popular culture in numerous radio, television, and college-campus speaking engagements. *Adapted from The Master’s University website