Ever find yourself wondering who is parenting whom as you interact with families? Does what you experience give you pause as parents (and students) pressure you to make allowances for irresponsibility? This session provides insight into the impact current parenting has, directly on your students and indirectly on you and your entire school. With over 26 years in the mental health field and working with more than 12,000 families, Keith can give you a helpful understanding of the waters in which you find yourself swimming.
Keith McCurdy

Keith has worked with families, children, parents, and individuals for more than 26 years in the field of mental health, working with more than 12,000 individuals and families. He received his Master of Arts and Education Specialist degrees from James Madison University. He is currently the President and CEO of Total Life Counseling, Inc., and is licensed in the state of Virginia as a Licensed Professional Counselor and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. Keith provides counseling and consulting services as well as a variety of seminars and workshops on improving parenting skills, building strong marriages, and maintaining healthy relationships. He has developed and regularly offers parenting retreats entitled “Raising Sturdy Kids” to help parents operate from the correct parenting paradigm with their children. He also serves as the Chairman of the Board at Faith Christian School, a Christian classical school in Roanoke, VA. Keith is a regular contributor to The Roanoke Star with articles on children, parenting, and marriage. His primary focus is helping others be er understand how a Christian worldview, not psychology, should be the primary in uence in parenting and relationships today. A signi cant part of his work has been helping parents understand the needed bene ts of allowing their children to struggle and learn to do hard things. Keith is an avid outdoorsman and is actively involved with Boy Scouts of America and coaching high school basketball. He and his wife, Lynnie, have been married for 21 years and enjoy raising their two teenagers.