In classical schools, Latin is a given. However, this assumption of Latin has been a double-edged sword. While it has ensured the revival of Latin teaching, we have not had to ght for or justify teaching Latin like we have had to do with Euclid, the Great Books or the progymnasmata. With these, we had to show that the modern tools are inadequate and that classical tools are better suited to our purpose. e ght for Latin has been di erent, and it has le us ill-suited to address the question of what it means to teach a language classically. is seminar will o er a defense of modern foreign languages in our school curriculum.
Aaron Fudge
Aaron serves as the Dean of the Logic School, the Chair of the Language Department and as a member of the upper school faculty at Trinity Classical Academy in Valencia, California. He has been a part of the Trinity faculty since 2013 and has taught 7th-grade Latin, 8th-grade Bible, 8th-grade history and honors Greek. Before coming to Trinity, he taught ESL for four years and served as both a youth and college pastor. He and his wife, Elisabeth, have three children, and all ve can be found on Trinity’s campus daily. He holds a bachelor’s degee in biblical studies from Biola University, a master of divinity degree with focus on exegetical studies from Multnomah Seminary, and a graduate certi cate in classical Christian studies from New Saint Andrews College.