Many schools who use the Achievement Test CTP from ERB will look at the test results with a “smile” and then left them away, never to be seen again. By doing that schools are losing valuable information that can help them improve instruction for children, improve teaching by teachers, and improve an administrator’s standing before boards and parents. I propose that there are treasures in the ERB reports we can access; we just have to know what we are looking at and how to use it to help us. This workshop would be specifically for schools who use ERB testing for their achievement tests.
Doreen Howell
Doreen Howell has been a part of Classical and Christian education at Regents School of Austin for 20 years. She is Regents “Ambassador” to schools all over the United States o ering consultations and teacher training services in a wide variety of areas. Doreen received her undergraduate degree from Southwest Texas State University and her graduate degree in Education from the University of Tennessee. She and her husband Ron are the parents of one adult daughter who graduated from Regents.