I spent the last five days strategizing, dreaming, and visioning with classical Christian educators in London and Wales. I am so thankful for the leadership of Jamie Burns! Jamie has worked with extraordinary diligence to connect the small, but growing contingent of CC educators in the UK. Jamie is starting a school in Cardiff, facilitating collaboration, and advancing the conversation with key leaders in and outside of the country.
Monday night, we were hosted in the House of Lords to share the development and vision for classical Christian education in the U.S. I was quick to acknowledge the irony of me (the American) coming to England to tell them about CCE! We stand on the shoulders of a long, rich tradition. However, we gladly offer our resources and support. What an exciting time to be doing this work!
I am thankful to have conducted the consultations with my friend and SCL partner, Erik Twist, from Arcadia Education. I also appreciate the contributions of Memoria Press who has been active in the UK for some time now. The American contingent was strong at the dinner with Erik, Ravi Jain, Brian Williams, Brian Lapsa, and Tyson Rallens.
While I was there, I also heard very encouraging reports from the conference in Africa hosted by the Rafiki Foundation, Inc. The international work is expanding quickly. Be encouraged, friends! This is bigger than any one group, country, leader, or individual!