It may seem impractical to spend valuable class time learning to write or speak in a dead language. As almost everyone capable of using Latin is now dead, even those who see the value of learning the language usually only see the value of learning to read it. But composing Latin, whether aloud or on paper, has been proven for centuries to be an excellent way for students to learn to read it better. is workshop will demonstrate how teachers can teach Latin the old and proven way – through composition and oral composition – while using powerful tools from the 21st century.
Tim Griffith

Tim is a Fellow of Classical Languages at New Saint Andrews College, where he oversees the Latin program, directs the national Phaedrus Latin Composition Contest, and translates 16th-century Latin theological texts for Wenden House. He has dedicated the last 15 years to Latin pedagogy, drawing heavily on the work of the great Latin educators of history such as Erasmus, Comenius, W.H.D. Rouse and Hans Ørberg. He is also the founder of Picta Dicta, an online learning platform specifically designed to assist parents and teachers with the kind of difficult subjects studied in classical Christian education.