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The Preeminence of Christ

Summer Conference 2025

June 25-27, 2025 - Dallas, Texas

Rooted in Him

Classical Christian education is ultimately about the glory of God through Christ. Christ’s preeminence has profound implications for our work, defining our understanding of human nature, knowledge, and relationships. Our educational goals are rooted in a person – Jesus Christ. Jesus is the full expression of what it means to be human. He is Truth and Wisdom incarnate. In Christ, the apostle Paul says, are “the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” (Col 2:8) Christ is the centerpiece of history, the Creator of the universe, the Redeemer of mankind, and the Sustainer of all things.

How does our work as educators fully reflect our understanding of and submission to His Lordship? How does it shape our practices, instruction, culture, leadership, and operations? How can we better shape our students with a robust Christ-like ethos? Join us, and educators around the world, as we consider the profound implications of the preeminence of Christ in our work.

Over Two Days, We Will Explore:


The beauty of Christ's preeminence and glory


The theology of formation


How to shepherd students


The tensions between our classical and Christian commitments


How our Christian commitments shape the arts and sciences


The complexities of spiritual formation in an institutional setting



June 25, 2025 (10am-5pm)

Focused on helping you navigate the important issues in our world and in our schools, this in-depth day of learning features workshops that take a deep dive into a specific topic. With interactive discussion and teaching designed for teachers and administrators, you’ll leave equipped with the practical knowledge you need for day-to-day school life.

Pre-Conference ticket sold separately.

Early Bird

Ends April 25
$ 179
  • Non-Member Price:

    $274 $224
  • Group Pricing (4+)

    Member: $169

Date & Location


June 25-27, 2025


Gaylord Texan Resort and Convention Center


1501 Gaylord Trail, Grapevine, TX 76051

Conference Schedule

The conference schedule is listed in US Central Time (CT). All scheduling in Whova will be in your local time zone.


Ends January 31
$ 429
  • Non-Member Price:

    $549 $479
  • Group Pricing (10+)

    Member: $399

Early Bird

Ends April 25
$ 459
  • Non-Member Price:

    $549 $519
  • Group Pricing (10+)

    Member: $439


Ends June 24
$ 519
  • Non-Member Price:

  • Group Pricing (10+)

    Member: $499


Ends April 25
$ 199
  • Non-Member Price:

    $279 $229
  • Group Pricing (10+)

    Member: $179
Best Price

Register for main conference, pre-conference, and virtual tickets from the links below. If you are a member, log into your member account on the SCL website to find the access code to member pricing! For more information about pre-conference, including pricing, click here!

Title Partners

Thriving School Partners

Platinum Partners

Gold Partners

Sponsor Application Information

Apply to be a summer sponsor and connect with hundreds of schools and over 1,500 educators and leaders from around the world. Choose from one of three tiers or access creative a la carte options. We look forward to connecting you to the expanding classical Christian education movement in Dallas, TX this June.

Questions? Contact our Director of Membership and Strategic Partnerships, Lauren Key at

Thank you to our featured early bird 2025 Summer Sponsor Dordt University.

Sponsor Application Information

Apply to be a summer sponsor and connect with hundreds of schools and over 1,500 educators and leaders from around the world. Choose from one of three tiers or access creative a la carte options. We look forward to connecting you to the expanding classical Christian education movement in Dallas, TX this June.

Questions? Contact our Director of Membership and Strategic Partnerships, Lauren Key at

Frequently Asked Questions

The Gaylord Texan is just six-minutes from the Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport and 34 minutes from Dallas Love Field Airport.

Please email Sarah Spencer at for more information.

Kick-off pricing will be available through January 31st.  Early Bird pricing will run from February 1st through April 25th.  Full price tickets will be available through June 26th. 

We recommend that conference attendees stay at the Gaylord Texan, in order to maximize their conference experience.  For those choosing to stay at an alternate hotel, there will be day parking available at the Gaylord Texan at a discounted price.

There is plenty of parking available at the Gaylord Texan. Conference attendees will be able to park at a discounted rate.

Please contact Marissa Yanaga ( for help with group ticketing. 

All SCL members should log into their account on our main website to find the password to access member pricing. Further, you should have received an email with the password. If you have any problems accessing your account or finding the member access code, email Grant Wiley (

John Piper

Author & Theologian


John Piper serves as founder and lead teacher at Desiring God and is chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary. For 33 years, Piper served as pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church. He has authored more than 50 books, and more than 40 years of his preaching and writing are available free of charge at Piper resides in the Minneapolis area with Noël, his wife of 56 years. They have 5 children and 16 grandchildren.

Justin Whitmel Earley

Author & Speaker


Justin Whitmel Earley is a lawyer, author and speaker from Richmond, VA.  Most of all, he is a husband to Lauren and a father to his four sons – Whit, Asher, Coulter and Shep. But he also graduated from the University of Virginia with a degree in English Literature before spending four years in Shanghai, China, teaching and writing. Justin earned his law degree from the Georgetown University Law Center, and he now runs his own business law practice, Earley Business Legal.

His book, The Common Rule – Habits of Purpose for an Age of Distraction, was published with InterVarsity Press in 2019. He frequently speaks at businesses, churches and conferences on habits, technology and mental health. His second book, Habits of the Household – Practicing the Story of God in Everyday Family Rhythms, addresses spiritual formation in ordinary family habits and was published with Zondervan in 2021. His third book, Made for People – Why We Drift into Loneliness and How to Fight for a Life of Friendship, explores the arts and habits of friendship as spiritual discipline and was published with Zondervan in 2023.

Neil Anderson

Head of School


Neil Anderson has served as the head of school at Trinity Classical School (Houston) since June 2010. The school was founded in 2009 and Mr. Anderson was hired as its first head. TCS is a PreK-12th Christian, classical, and collaborative school with 700 students. Mr. Anderson has a genuine passion for education to the glory of God through the liberal arts. After graduating from Wheaton College with a degree in Biblical Studies, he served as an associate pastor and worship leader at a church in west Chicago. With a growing family of four children, Neil and his wife Marian moved back to his hometown of Houston. Prior to joining Trinity Classical School, Neil worked at a local classical school, serving as a teacher, department chair, and dean of students. During these years, Neil developed a great zeal for classical education and completed a Masters of Liberal Arts degree at Houston Baptist University. Neil is passionate about poetry, classical literature, theology, carpentry, coffee, hiking, running, and children. He also has a dog that he is not passionate about.

Russ Ramsey

Author & Pastor


Russ Ramsey is a pastor at Christ Presbyterian Church in Nashville, Tennessee, where he lives with his wife and five children. He grew up in the fields of Indiana and studied at Taylor University and Covenant Theological Seminary (MDiv, ThM).  He is the author of Rembrandt is in the Wind: Learning to Love Art through the Eyes of Faith and Van Gogh Has a Broken Heart: What Art Teaches Us About the Wonder and Struggle of Being Alive

Andrew Elizalde

Cultivating a Thriving Faculty Culture


Andrew Elizalde’s earliest years in the classroom included teaching subjects ranging from elementary mathematics to advanced calculus and physics. He has served as a mathematics and science department chair through critical seasons of textbook adoption and curriculum reform. His pedagogy highlights a thoughtful balance of didactic and dialectic instruction with emphasis on learning through problem-solving. Since 2010 he has served as an executive administrator at two different flagship schools in the classical renewal movement including his current tenure as Upper School Head at Covenant Classical School in Fort Worth, Texas. His work most notably includes leading curriculum reform projects, launching student support programs, transforming faculty culture through meaningful professional development, scaling and refining operational systems and protocol, and educating both teachers and parents about the liberal arts tradition. He holds a B.A. degree from Depauw University; a teaching credential from California State University Long Beach, and Master of Arts in Leadership with special emphasis in Classical Education from Gordon College. Andrew offers consulting services to classical Christian schools and regularly presents at SCL conferences and retreats. He and his wife Brooke have three daughters and attend Paradox Church. In his free time he enjoys reading, songwriting, climbing, and camping.

Leslie Moeller

School Governance and Boards


Leslie Moeller has recently been named Head of School for the Geneva School of Boerne, Texas. She also serves on the boards of the Society for Classical Learning; Veritas School in Richmond, Virginia; New Covenant Schools in Lynchburg, Virginia; and the Board of Academic Advisors for the Classic Learning Test. She teaches a class on law and governance for the Gordon College Masters in Educational Leadership program and consults with heads and boards of classical, Christian schools around the country. Leslie received her J.D. from Boston College and her B.A. in Economics and English Literature from the University of Virginia. She and her husband Eric have three children who have all graduated from classical, Christian schools.

Justin Whitmel Earley

Technology and Culture


Justin Whitmel Earley is a lawyer, author and speaker from Richmond, VA.  Most of all, he is a husband to Lauren and a father to his four sons – Whit, Asher, Coulter and Shep. But he also graduated from the University of Virginia with a degree in English Literature before spending four years in Shanghai, China, teaching and writing. Justin got his law degree from the Georgetown University Law Center and he now runs his own business law practice under the Earley Business Legal.

His book, The Common Rule – Habits of Purpose for an Age of Distraction, was published with InterVarsity Press in 2019. He frequently speaks at businesses, churches and conferences on habits, technology and mental health. His second book, Habits of the Household – Practicing the Story of God in Everyday Family Rhythms, addresses spiritual formation in ordinary family habits, and was published with Zondervan in 2021.  His third book, Made for People – Why We Drift into Loneliness and How to Fight for a Life of Friendship, explores the arts and habits of friendship as spiritual discipline and was published with Zondervan in 2023.

Aaron howard

Founder & CEO

Session: Hospitality and the Gospel

Session Abstract

Hospitality, in cultures around the world, is an esteemed and treasured virtue. The ancient Greeks viewed hospitality, called xenia in Greek, as a foundational part of their culture, and Zeus was sometimes called Zeus Xenios, or “protector of strangers.” The Center for Western Studies states, “all the problems in the Odyssey were caused by poor xenia.” Hospitality preserved the relationships and social cooperation necessary in a rapidly expanding society.

Similarly, ancient Jewish culture valued hospitality and considered it a divine imperative. From the inception of the Jewish nation in God’s covenant with Abraham, kindness and compassion toward strangers was of preeminent importance. In the New Testament, as the people of Israel begin to share the gospel with their neighbors, they are encouraged to remain hospitable. For example, Hebrews 13:2 encourages believers, “Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.”

In a culture that remains politically, religiously, culturally, and racially divided, what can classical education learn from the ancient Greek, Jewish, and Christian traditions? How can classical education demonstrate a model of hospitality that promotes the best of these traditions to disrupt and overcome the division that plagues our society? What are some themes, ideas, and practices we should keep in mind? 


Aaron Howard is Founder and CEO of As One Christian Diversity Staffing, a consulting and recruiting organization that provides biblical solutions to Christian schools, universities, and organizations pursuing kingdom diversity and belonging. He has over twenty-five years experience serving in leadership roles in diverse schools, organizations, and churches. He will begin serving this fall as Assistant Professor of Ethics, Reconciliation, and Worship at Lipscomb University. He currently serves as Director of Diversity, Community, and Inclusion at Franklin Road Academy, an independent Christian school in Nashville, TN.

Dr. Howard received his Ph.D. in Ethics and Society from Vanderbilt University, an MA in Theology, Biblical Studies from Fuller Theological Seminary, an MA in Education from San Diego State University, and a BA in Anthropology from UCLA. He also completed a certificate in Diversity and Inclusion from Cornell University.

David Bailey

Founder & Chief Vision Officer - Arrabon

Session: The 5 Challenges to Being a Reconciling Community

Session Abstract

People form communities and communities form people. Christian communities ought to be reconciling communities, but unfortunately, too many Christian communities mirror the same practices as secular communities around conflict and division. In this breakout session, we’ll introduce the five practices leaders need to build a reconciling community within their organization.


David M. Bailey is a public theologian, culture maker, and catalyst focused on building reconciling communities. David is the founder and Chief Vision Officer of Arrabon, a spiritual formation ministry that equips the American Church to actively and creatively pursue racial healing in their communities. He is the co-author of the study series, A People, A Place, and A Just Society, and the executive producer of the documentary 11 am: Hope for America’s Most Segregated Hour and the Urban Doxology Project. David is rooted at East End Covenant Fellowship, serving on the preaching team, and his greatest honor is to be married to his wonderful wife, Joy.

Joseph Pearce

Best-Selling Author

Session: Wit, Wisdom, and Wonder: Life Lessons from G.K. Chesterton

Session Abstract

Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly whereas the devil takes himself far too seriously, falling by the force of his own gravity. So says G. K. Chesterton, the self-described “jolly journalist” who is worth taking seriously because he took himself so lightly. With wit, wisdom and eyes wide open with wonder, Chesterton shows us the way to paradise by way of paradox. Joseph Pearce, author of Wisdom and Innocence: A Life of G. K. Chesterton, gives a guided tour of Chesterton’s life, work, wit, wisdom and legacy.


A native of England, Joseph Pearce is the internationally acclaimed author of many books, which include bestsellers such as The Quest for Shakespeare, Tolkien: Man and Myth, The Unmasking of Oscar Wilde, C. S. Lewis and The Catholic Church, Literary Converts, Wisdom and Innocence: A Life of G.K. Chesterton, Solzhenitsyn: A Soul in Exile and Old Thunder: A Life of Hilaire Belloc. His books have been published and translated into Spanish, Portuguese, French, Dutch, Italian, Korean, Mandarin, Croatian and Polish.
He has hosted two 13-part television series about Shakespeare on EWTN, and has also written and presented documentaries on EWTN on the Catholicism of The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. His verse drama, Death Comes for the War Poets, was performed off-Broadway to critical acclaim. He has participated and lectured at a wide variety of international and literary
events at major colleges and universities in the U.S., Canada, Britain, Europe, Africa and South America.
He is editor of the St. Austin Review (, series editor of the Ignatius Critical Editions (, senior instructor with Homeschool Connections (, and senior contributor at the Imaginative Conservative and Crisis Magazine. In 2022, he was awarded the St. John Henry
Newman Visiting Chair of Catholic Studies at Thomas More College (Merrimack, NH). His personal website is

Kelly Kapic

Author & Professor - Covenant College

Session: Learning to Value Process: God Likes to Take His Time

Session Abstract

We know that God is perfect and complete, but we are not. In our time together we will consider how God loves process. While we often judge only according to finished products, God has always been comfortable with process, and learning to appreciate this truth about God can free us to more fully embrace the process of growth and learning. The implications of this for Christian education are enormous, as we see our work not merely in terms of a ‘final product,’ but in terms of the value of formation and growth.


Kelly M. Kapic (PhD, King’s College, University of London) is a professor of theological studies at Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, Georgia, where he has taught for twenty years. He is an award-winning author or editor of more than fifteen books, including You’re Only Human and Embodied Hope, which each won a Christianity Today Book Award. Kapic, a popular speaker, has been featured in Christianity Today and The Gospel Coalition, has worked on research teams funded by the John Templeton Foundation, and contributes to the Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care and various other journals.




Sandra McCracken will be leading worship from the main stage in the morning and afternoon of Friday, June 16, followed by her highly-anticipated concert at 6:00pm. See the conference schedule for further information!


Sandra McCracken is a singer-songwriter and hymn writer from Nashville, Tennessee. A prolific recording artist, McCracken has produced 14 solo albums over two decades. Her best selling release, Psalms (2015) received critical acclaim, followed by God’s Highway (2017) which made the top 50 on Billboard Heatseekers chart without a major label. She has had songs featured in TV, including ‘Ten Thousand Angels’ on ABC’s Grey’s Anatomy and has over 15 million streams. Blending the old and new, Sandra has also shown a unique ability to recast sacred scripture texts into theologically rich yet accessible songs. Her thoughtful lyrics and gospel melodies in songs like “We Will Feast In The House Of Zion,” “Steadfast” and “Thy Mercy My God” have become staple anthems in churches across the U.S. As a published writer, she contributes a regular column in Christianity Today and released her first book “Send Out Your Light” in September 2021.

Pano Kanelos

President - University of Austin

Session: Coming Soon

Session Abstract



Panayiotis (Pano) Kanelos is the founding president of the University of Austin.
From 2017 to 2021, Dr. Kanelos served as the 24th President of St. John’s College, Annapolis. After earning degrees from Northwestern University (B.A.), Boston University (M.A.), and the University of Chicago (Ph.D.), he taught at Stanford University, the University of San Diego, and Loyola University Chicago.

He served most recently as dean of Christ College, the Honors College of Valparaiso University. An outspoken advocate for liberal education, he oversaw the Lilly Fellows Program in Humanities and the Arts, comprising a network of more than 100 colleges and universities. Among the earliest participants in the Teach for America program, President Kanelos is as passionate about teaching as he is about writing and scholarship. He founded the Cropper Center for Creative Writing at the University of San Diego and is a noted Shakespeare scholar, having served as the resident Shakespearean in the Old Globe MFA Program and the founding director of the Interdisciplinary Shakespeare Studies Program at Loyola University Chicago.

Beck A. Taylor

President - Samford University

Session: Coming Soon

Session Abstract



Beck A. Taylor comes to Samford University after serving as the 18th president of Whitworth University in Spokane, Washington, since 2010. Prior to this appointment, Taylor served as dean and professor of economics for Samford’s Brock School of Business (2005-2010), and associate dean for research and faculty development for Baylor University’s Hankamer School of Business (1997-2005).

Taylor’s tenure at Whitworth was highlighted by a renewed emphasis on community involvement; efforts to enhance academic programs and quality; the building of new campus infrastructure to facilitate the university’s academic, athletic, and student life programs; the creation of newly endowed faculty positions and centers; leading Whitworth’s largest-ever comprehensive fundraising campaign; and an emphasis on overall institutional effectiveness.

After earning his undergraduate degree from Baylor with majors in economics and finance, Taylor was employed as an analyst for Andersen Consulting (now Accenture) in Houston, Texas. He went on to earn his M.S. and Ph.D. in economics from Purdue University. After returning to the Baylor faculty, Taylor was named the first holder of the W.H. Smith Professorship in Economics. In 2002, he was appointed as a visiting scholar by Harvard University where he spent one year in residence at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

As dean of Samford’s Brock School of Business, Taylor led the rapid transformation of the business school, including its renaming to honor Harry B. Brock, Jr., founder of Compass Bank. Taylor led the Brock School of Business to establish eight new academic programs, as well as the school’s new honors program. The school’s entrepreneurship program was recognized in 2010 as the nation’s top emerging program by the U.S. Association for Small Business & Entrepreneurship. In an effort to build bridges between students and the Birmingham business community, Taylor established the Samford Business Network, as well as a 45-member advisory board of the region’s top business leaders.

As a scholar, Taylor has published dozens of studies in economics journals such as Review of Economics and StatisticsJournal of Labor EconomicsJournal of Human Resources and Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking. Illustrating his diverse research interests and his connections to the social sciences, Taylor has also published groundbreaking research in public health and child developmental psychology. His research has been cited in testimony given before the U.S. Congress, the Federal Trade Commission, and the California State Assembly, and also has been referenced in publications such as The New York TimesThe Boston Globe, and The Christian Science Monitor.

Taylor is a member of numerous professional and academic organizations, and he has served as a strategic business consultant for dozens of organizations. Taylor and his wife of 28 years, Julie, have three children: Zachary, 25, a Nashville-based music recording artist, Lauren, 22, a recent Whitworth graduate, and Chloe, 14.

Savannah Kimberlin

Associate VP of Church Engagement - Barna Group

Session: Faith & Culture

Session Abstract

Barna Group has researched faith trends in the United States and around the world for more than 40 years, specializing in the study of generations and the intersection of faith and culture. Together, let’s explore a handful of key cultural shifts and their impact on and implications for our organizations.


Savannah serves as the Associate Vice President of Church Engagement at Barna. Savannah loves facilitating Barna’s mission to provide the Church with knowledge to navigate a changing world through consulting services, CoLab learning cohorts and research efforts. She is passionate about taking Barna’s research and synthesizing it into helpful, actionable insights for Christian leaders.
As a certified data miner and predictive modeler, Savannah specializes in advanced analytics. Prior to her time at Barna, she worked in the big data and software development spaces.
She earned her B.S. in Mathematics from Samford University and her M.S. in Decision Analytics from the University of Alabama. Savannah currently lives in Atlanta, GA with her husband Josh and her daughter Zoe.