Seven years ago, I was a bright-eyed freshman teacher, embarking on my teaching career as a classical and Christian educator. I was confident that classical Christian education was the best form of education, and I was full of ideals. And then I met my Logic School students. Suddenly, I was thrust into a world wherein neither students nor parents were always well-behaved, many were not actively pursuing the good, the true, and the beautiful, and in the midst of this, I sometimes found myself floundering, unsure of how to control my class, discipline my students, and point them toward virtue and wisdom.
How do you keep a class of 8th graders under control? How do you offer correction without co-opting class time? How do you capture the imagination of the uninterested? How do you teach 7th and 8th graders to love the good, the true, and the beautiful? This session will be an exploration of seven practical tools I have learned to help teachers gain the control of their classrooms, the trust of parents, and the love of their students.
Aaron Fudge

Aaron Fudge works at Trinity Classical Academy, in Santa Clarita, California, where he is the Dean of the Upper School, the Chair of the Language Department, and a member of the Upper School Humanities and Language faculty. Aaron is also an associate pastor at Christ Church Santa Clarita. He is the husband of Elisabeth, and the father of three classically educated teenagers. He surfs as often as possible and is currently reading All Hallows Eve, by Charles Williams.