Too often, Latin students merely sit and listen, write in their workbooks, and occasionally answer the teacher’s questions. This workshop will show how to reintroduce enthusiasm into the classroom through short games and quick activities, original songs, and instructions for lengthier undertakings. These resources provide much needed student movement, brain breaks (still in Latin!), and low-stress spoken interactions. My students often become so excited they rush home to teach these activities to their younger siblings. Teachers will go home fortified with proven and immediately applicable skills.
Anita Wasdahl
Anita classically homeschooled her five children for 15 years, before teaching at private schools for another 20 years, 19 of them at The Ambrose School in Boise, Idaho. Currently, she teaches at The Ambrose School Bridge program, a hybrid private/homeschool setting. She has taught Mathematics, Humanities (the Ancients), and Latin. She has developed the successful Ambrose elementary Latin curriculum, Step Into Latin, and is in the process of making it available to other schools. She has an SDSU Liberal Studies II degree, as well as California Multiple Subjects teaching credential.