Both David Hicks (Norms and Nobility) and Mortimer Adler (The Paideia Proposal) encouraged educators to wrestle with the application of the belief that “the best education for the best is the best education for all.” Russ Gregg will share his story of how God led him to love his neighbors by starting Hope Academy, a classical, Christian school, serving 400 students in the inner-city of Minneapolis.
Russ Greg

Russ Gregg is the Co-Founder and Head of School of Hope Academy, a K – 12, Christ-centered, classical school, serving the urban poor of Minneapolis. A graduate of the University of Wisconsin—Madison, Russ is an elderat Jubilee Community Church, and of his many responsibilities, he regards none as more important or more satisfying as teaching the scriptures each week to his little flock of 120 six and seven year olds at Hope Academy. Russ and his wife, Phyllis, have lived in the inner-city of Minneapolis for 21 years and raised three adult children.