How disability benefits the classical Christian school. Distinguishing between stumbling blocks and caving to culture. Myths and mysteries of student support. Staying in charge of your program. Understanding Language Development—With a Speech Therapist if possible. Understanding Physical Development– With a PT or OT if possible. Understanding Dyslexia intervention – With A Reading Specialist if possible. Improving Reading Instruction for Everyone. Nurturing Emotional Development. Observations on How Adoption Impacts Learning
Leslie Collins

Leslie and her husband, Dave have been working in classical and Christian education since 1995. Leslie was the founding headmistress of Rockbridge Academy in Millersville, Maryland and was privileged to briefly serve in Kailua, Hawaii as Trinity Christian School transitioned to a classical model. She is currently the Head of School at Covenant Academy in northwest Houston. Leslie and Dave have four children and one adorable granddaughter. Leslie holds a Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling from The Master’s University and a Bachelor of Science in Special Education from the University of Maryland.