The team-taught seminar will focus on the various ways that teaching Greek can bolster the rigor, moral and collaboration within a foreign language department-especially when offered as an alternative (or even an addition) to advanced Latin. Marcus Foster and Jeremy Sturdivant will discuss both the theoretical and practical issues of finding personnel, scheduling logistics, collaborating as team, motivating students of disparate abilites, capitalizing on a Latin foundation, and preparing families for electing competing language offerings in such a way that benefits both. The seminar will conclude with !&A as well as collaboration between participants.
Marcus Foster

Marcus graduated from Baylor University with a B.A. in Classics in 2000. He worked with youth in Berlin, Germany for five years, part of which was also spent studying theology at Humboldt Universität. He received a Masters of Humanities from the University in Dallas in 2012. Heavily invested in languages, Marcus hopes to stir a love for language and literature in his students. He and his wife, Julie, have been married for 10 years, and have three beautiful daughters.
Jeremy Sturdivant

Jeremy holds a B.B.A from Angelo State University and a Master of Divinity from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Jeremy taught public school for five years, a er which he move to Fort Worth to a end seminary. Since then he has both taught and coached at Covenant, as well as served as an associate pastor for Carroll Baptist Church. A passionate follower of Christ and a life-long learner, Jeremy hopes to instill in all of his students both a love for the Lord and a love for learning that brings glory to God the Father, teaching 7th Old Testament & Logic, 8th New Testament & Logic, and 10-12 Classical & Koine Greek.