Forecasting enrollment – and therefore available tuition dollars – is tricky business. The predictive data points range from number of tours and applications, to the number of seats available in each classroom, and the percentage of those seats that are discounted through financial assistance or faculty discounts. There are even more nuanced “data” points such as community trends and “local buzz.” The Admission Director has an up-close and personal view of all these data points, and can therefore provide Boards with valuable insight as they create a budget for the following school year. In this session we will discuss how Admission and Boards can work together to forecast enrollment to build financially sound schools.
Amy Burgess
Amy Burgess is the Cohort leader for SCL’s Admission and Marketing cohort, and the former Director of Admission and Marketing at Covenant Classical School in Fort Worth, TX. Amy started the Smart School Growth agency to help K-12 Classical schools reach their enrollment goals by using proven Admission and Marketing strategies. Schools are complicated “businesses.” The stakes are high, budgets are slim, and staffing is lean. Amy helps equip Admission and Marketing teams to clarify their schools’ messages, tighten their marketing efforts, work with their Boards and School Heads to forecast enrollment (and therefore budgets), and enroll their faculty and staff in the mission to reach (and keep) more families.
Leslie Moeller
Leslie Moeller is the current Chairman of the Board of the Society for Classical Learning, former Chairman of the Board of the Geneva School of Boerne, current Board member of New Covenant Schools, former Head of Upper School at The Covenant School, and former Head of School at Geneva School of Boerne. Leslie has used her broad experience in teaching, administrative, and governance of classical, Christian schools as the basis for her consulting work with boards across the nation over the past 12 years.