Natural science teachers love to delight their students with natural wonders and see jaws drop. But as students get older, teachers feel pressure to increase rigor, which can squeeze out room for wonder. But Einstein says that the state of mind which enables a man to do serious scientific work is akin to that of the religious worshiper or the lover; the effort comes straight from the heart. So how can a teacher teach science excellently and retain wonder? This workshop will explore how recovering natural history and the common arts provides the appropriate context for wonder and work in natural science and teaching along the narrative of discovery in conversation with biblical thought can cultivate a wisdom that culminates in worship.
Ravi Jain
Ravi Jain graduated from Davidson College with a BA and interests in physics, ancient Greek, and international political economy. He worked at various churches, received an MA from Reformed Theological Seminary, and later earned a Graduate Certi cate in Mathematics from the University of Central Florida. He began teaching Calculus and Physics at The Geneva School in 2003. During his tenure there he has co-authored The Liberal Arts Tradition: A Philosophy of Christian Classical Education (Classical Academic Press, 2013) and has presented more than 50 speeches and workshops throughout the country on topics related to Christian classical education.