There is more to discussion than merely getting students to talk about the material. There is more to it than provoking their opinions. Is your classroom a place where students think well, listen well, and speak well? What practices stifle those qualities? This practical workshop provides ideas about how to get our students to interact with the material, with the instructor, and with one another.
Chris Schlect

Christopher Schlect, PhD, has worked in classical and Christian education for nearly thirty years. He is the Director of the Classical and Christian Studies program at New Saint Andrews College, where he also teaches courses in history and classical rhetoric. Schlect has also taught at Washington State University, and remains active with his historical research related to American Protestantism in the early 20th century. He taught many subjects in grades 7 through 12 at Logos School in Moscow, Idaho. He now serves classical and Christian schools around the country through his consulting and teacher training activities, and his writings appear in various school curricula and other outlets. He and his wife, Brenda, have five children, all products of a classical and Christian education. They also have four grandchildren.