How do we infuse the Bible into our various disciplines in accurate and memorable ways? is seminar seeks to equip teachers with interpretive skills, categories and creative inspiration to integrate Scripture with all our subjects. Such integration requires a broader understanding of how to faithfully apply the Bible in different contexts and a willingness to bring other academic knowledge and skills to bear on our reading of the Bible. By elaborating fruitful avenues of integration and exploring specifc examples of it, this session will aid teachers at all levels as they train students to fully embrace a biblical vision for life.
Nathan George

Nate brings a diverse background and a passion for integrating a biblical worldview to his vocation as a teacher. He earned a bachelor’s degree in social work from James Madison University, a er which he worked with adults experiencing mental illness. e Lord then led him to complete a master of divinity degree at Covenant Theological Seminary. Following seminary, Nate taught at a Christian school in St. Louis for seven years, where he also developed Bible curriculum and fostered the integration of a biblical worldview across academic disciplines. He loves to draw on his social work and theology background while teaching, striving to shepherd students and continually point them to Jesus. He currently teaches Bible and humanities at Veritas School in Richmond, Virginia. Nate and his wife have three children and are active members at a vibrant urban church.