This seminar will examine the success of the Progymnasmata in preparing K-12 students for college level communications, written and oral. We will discuss the most efficient and effective means of taking pre-writers and preparing them for the advanced art of contemporary writing. The scope and sequence of the necessary sub-skill sets are laid out and discussed. This approach has yielded an one hundred percent qualification rate for Whitefield Academy’s seniors on both the ACT and SAT essay portions of their college entrance exams versus a national average of twenty-two percent.
James Selby​
Jim Selby has a BA from Oral Roberts University in English Literature and New Testament Literature and a M.Div. from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He has taught and administered at Whitefield Academy, a classical Christian school in Kansas City, for the last eleven years. Jim currently teaches Great Books/Humanities, Rhetoric and English Literature as well as Logic in previous years. Founder of Classical Composition he authored a writing curriculum used both in the classroom and in the homeschooling community. ​