It is a given that all students will face an ever-changing world. Their career options will change, technology will change, educational opportunities will change, etc. This seminar makes the case that a classical education is the best possible preparation students can have for thriving in this world of change, disruption, and uncertainty. Many people in the 21st century assume that the value of education is based on the practical preparation it provides.
For millennia, however, the tradition of classical education has understood its purpose as the cultivation of whole human beings, not just their specialized, technical preparation for a particular job or function in society. This cultivation of lifelong learners who are equipped to live wise and virtuous lives is precisely the kind of education that best will enable students to adapt and thrive as they navigate all the changes that they will face. In our current context of disruption and uncertainty, this is a message that parents, students, donors, and some of us need to hear.
David Diener
Dr. David Diener holds a BA in Philosophy and Ancient Languages from Wheaton College as well as an MA in Philosophy, an MS in History and Philosophy of Education, and a dual PhD in Philosophy and Philosophy of Education from Indiana University. In addition to working as a high-end custom trim carpenter for an Amish company and living as a missionary for three years in Bogotá, Colombia, he has taught at The Stony Brook School and Taylor University and has served as Head of Upper Schools at Covenant Classical School in Fort Worth, TX, and Head of School at Grace Academy in Georgetown, TX. He currently works at Hillsdale College where he is the Headmaster of Hillsdale Academy and a Lecturing Professor of Education. He also is an Alcuin Fellow, serves on the Board of Directors for the Society for Classical Learning and the Board of Academic Advisors for the Classic Learning Test, and offers consulting services through Classical Academic Press. He is the author of Plato: The Great Philosopher-Educator and serves as the series editor for Classical Academic Press’ series Giants in the History of Education. The Dieners have four wonderful children and are passionate about classical Christian education and the impact it can have on the church, our society, and the world.