Aquaponics is the combination of the raising of sh (aquaculture) and growing plants without soil (hydroponics). Come and see how a system such as this can be a practical way to tie together concepts between biology, chemistry, and physics. This is the rst year that The Geneva School has used such a project. Find out about our successes, failures, and ways of moving forward in the future.
Robbie Andreasen
Robbie Andreasen joined the Geneva faculty in 2007 and teaches Biology (ninth grade) and Anatomy & Physiology (twel h grade). Robbie has a contagious passion to study the intersection of faith and science, and his students have come to expect a challenging, active classroom characterized by their teacher’s love and enthusiasm for learning. This is also true when he teaches Sunday School or gives a children’s homily at his church. Robbie received a BS in Marine Science and Biology from the University of Miami and an MA in Bioethics from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He was the upper school recipient of the 2013 Paideia Award for Teaching, which recognizes excellence in teaching.