The loss of faith among young Christians in the Millennial Generation (est. 50-70%) is now well established and is based upon solid research in the last ten years. The solutions emerging all hone in on the role of the church, in general, and youth ministries in particular with an ancillary role for parents. Universally ignored has been the contribution of secondary school experience. A 2014 study of all alumni of Ad Fontes Academy, revealed the vital role classical Christian education can play in addressing this challenge and the principles and practices upon which any school can contribute to reversing the current trend among emerging Christian adults.
Ray Blunt
Ray Blunt graduated with a B.S. in engineering and political science from the U.S. Air Force Academy followed by Master’s degrees in Economics from Central Missouri University and in Theological Studies, with Honors, from Wesley Theological Seminary. A er a 35-year career in public service culminating as a Senior Executive, he has spent the last two decades helping to grow the next generation of servant leaders as a teacher, mentor, writer, speaker, and consultant. Ray is an avid kayaker, cyclist, and B.J.’s husband since 1964. They are members of Restoration Anglican Church where they mentor young couples and singles. They have two grown children, and are grandparents to two Ad Fontes graduates and three younger AFA and home schooled grandchildren. This is his h year teaching at Ad Fontes.