I am very excited to announce the launch of SCL’s Thriving Schools Study. Today, we sent out a survey to over 500 hundred Heads of School to evaluate the leadership health and needs of the movement. The survey is the only such instrument directed specifically at classical Christian school leaders.
It is our desire that this survey will help us provide targeted support, resources, and professional development for leaders to meet the challenges they face. We also intend to use the results to educate classical Christian schools about the state of leadership in the movement. Ultimately, we pray this project will help us contribute to the sustainability of classical Christian schools by investing in the leaders critical to their success.
I am thankful for the work of Dr. Brian Polk, Research Director at SCL. Brian built the survey and facilitated the process to ensure essential data is collected. I would also like to thank Dr. Albert Cheng, Assistant Professor at the Department of Education Reform in the College of Education and Health Professions at the University of Arkansas. Dr. Cheng directs the Classical Education Research Lab and will be providing a comprehensive analysis and report when the survey is complete.
SCL is committed to strengthening the leadership of the classical Christian school movement. We believe that we must have strong leaders for our schools to thrive and for our families to be served well. If you are a Head of School, we are asking you to please participate by taking the survey. If you are not Head of School, please encourage your Head to take it. We are grateful for your support!